

英語 Hello. How are you? などの基本的な日常表現を別の言い方に置き換えてみる





1.Hello / Hi / Hey こんにちは

Hello! How are you?

Hey, how's it going?

What's up?


2.I'm fine, thank you. 元気です、ありがとう

I'm fine, thank you. And you?

Not bad, yourself?


3.What's your name? お名前は何ですか?

 Can I ask your name?


4.My name is ○○(名前).

Call me ○○(名前).


5.Nice to meet you. はじめまして

Pleased to meet you.


6.Thank you. ありがとう

Much appreciated.


7.You're welcome. どういたしまして

No problem.


8.I don't know. わからない

I'm not quite sure.


9.I'm sorry. ごめんなさい

My apologies.



10.Are you okay? 大丈夫?

How are you feeling?

Is everything okay?


11.I don't understand. 理解できません

I don't get it.


12.Can we meet at 2 PM? 2時に会える?

Does 2 PM work for you?


13.Where is the nearest bus stop? ~はどこですか?

Can I ask where the nearest bus stop is?


14.Really? 本当に?

For real?

Are you serious?


15.What time is it? 今何時ですか?

Do you have the time?

ちなみに「時間ある?」はDo you have time?